Самые цитируемые статьи сотрудников Центра

Ludtmann M.H.R., Angelova P.R., Horrocks M.H., Choi M.L., Rodrigues M., Baev A.Y., Berezhnov A.V., Yao Z., Little D., Banushi B., Al-Menhali A.S., Ranasinghe R.T., Whiten D.R., Yapom R., Dolt K.S., Devine M.J., Gissen P., Kunath T., Jaganjac M., Pavlov E.V., Klenerman D., Abramov A.Y., Gandhi S. α-synuclein oligomers interact with ATP synthase and open the permeability transition pore in Parkinson's disease. Nature Communications. 2018. v.1, iss.2293, rate=58 (число цитирований в год), doi:10.1021/pr060392u.

Howarth R.W., Billen G., Swaney D., Townsend A., Jaworski N., Lajtha K., Downing J.A., Elmgren R., Caraco N., Jordan T., Berendse F., Freney J., Kudeyarov V., Murdoch P., Zhu Z.-L. Regional nitrogen budgets and riverine N & P fluxes for the drainages to the North Atlantic Ocean: Natural and human influences. Biogeochemistry. 1996. v.1, p.75-139, rate=52, doi:10.1021/bi050736e.

Rodionova M.V., Poudyal R.S., Tiwari I., Voloshin R.A., Zharmukhamedov S.K., Nam H.G., Zayadan B.K., Bruce B.D., Hou H.J.M., Allakhverdiev S.I. Biofuel production: Challenges and opportunities. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2017. v.12, p.8450-8461, rate=52, doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.0020100.

Biskaborn B.K., Smith S.L., Noetzli J., Matthes H., Vieira G., Streletskiy D.A., Schoeneich P., Romanovsky V.E., Lewkowicz A.G., Abramov A., Allard M., Boike J., Cable W.L., Christiansen H.H., Delaloye R., Diekmann B., Drozdov D., Etzelmüller B., Grosse G., Guglielmin M., Ingeman-Nielsen T., Isaksen K., Ishikawa M., Johansson M., Johannsson H., Joo A., Kaverin D., Kholodov A., Konstantinov P., Kröger T., Lambiel C., Lanckman J.-P., Luo D., Malkova G., Meiklejohn I., Moskalenko N., Oliva M., Phillips M., Ramos M., Sannel A.B.K., Sergeev D., Seybold C., Skryabin P., Vasiliev A., Wu Q., Yoshikawa K., Zheleznyak M., Lantuit H. Permafrost is warming at a global scale. Nature Communications. 2019. v.1, iss.264, rate=49, doi:10.1111/j.1471-4159.2007.04764.x.

Legendre M., Bartoli J., Shmakova L., Jeudy S., Labadie K., Adrait A., Lescot M., Poirot O., Bertaux L., Bruley C., Couté Y., Rivkina E., Abergel C., Claverie J.-M. Thirty-thousand-year-old distant relative of giant icosahedral DNA viruses with a pandoravirus morphology. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2014. v.11, p.4274-4279, rate=41, doi:10.1002/pro.2494.

Donova M.V., Egorova O.V. Microbial steroid transformations: Current state and prospects. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2012. v.6, p.1423-1447, rate=35.5, doi:10.1021/bi0602718.

Boutanaev A.M., Moses T., Zi J., Nelson D.R., Mugford S.T., Peters R.J., Osbourn A. Investigation of terpene diversification across multiple sequenced plant genomes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2015. v.1, p.E81-E88, rate=28.7, doi:10.1038/cr.2009.87.

Hawksworth D.L., Crous P.W., Redhead S.A., Reynolds D.R., Samson R.A., Seifert K.A., Taylor J.W., Wingfield M.J., Abaci Ö., Aime C., Asan A., Bai F.-Y., de Beer Z.W., Begerow D., Berikten D., Boekhout T., Buchanan P.K., Burgess T., Buzina W., Cai L., Cannon P.F., Crane J.L., Damm U., Daniel H.-M., van Diepeningen A.D., Druzhinina I., Dyer P.S., Eberhardt U., Fell J.W., Frisvad J.C., Geiser D.M., Geml J., Glienke C., Gräfenhan T., Groenewald J.Z., Groenewald M., de Gruyter J., Guého-Kellermann E., Guo L.-D., Hibbett D.S., Hong S.-B., de Hoog G.S., Houbraken J., Huhndorf S.M., Hyde K.D., Ismail A., Johnston P.R., Kadaifciler D.G., Kirk P.M., Kõljalg U., Kurtzman C.P., Lagneau P.-E., André Lévesque C., Liu X., Lombard L., Meyer W., Miller A., Minter D.W., Najafzadeh M.J., Norvell L., Ozerskaya S.M., öziç R., Pennycook S.R., Peterson S.W., Pettersson O.V., Quaedvlieg W., Robert V.A., Ruibal C., Schnürer J., Schroers H.-J., Shivas R., Slippers B., Spierenburg H., Takashima M., Taskin E., Thines M., Thrane U., Uztan A.H., van Raak M., Varga J., Vasco A., Verkley G., Videira S.I., de Vries R.P., Weir B.S., Yilmaz N., Yurkov A., Zhang N. The Amsterdam Declaration on Fungal Nomenclature. IMA Fungus. 2011. v.1, p.105-112, rate=27.25, doi:10.1074/jbc.R115.685859.

Legendre M., Lartigue A., Bertaux L., Jeudy S., Bartoli J., Lescot M., Alempic J.-M., Ramus C., Bruley C., Labadie K., Shmakova L., Rivkina E., Couté Y., Abergel C., Claverie J.-M. In-depth study of Mollivirus sibericum, a new 30,000-yold giant virus infecting Acanthamoeba. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2015. v.38, p.E5327-E5335, rate=27, doi:10.1007/s00018-014-1661-9.

Schmitt F.-J., Renger G., Friedrich T., Kreslavski V.D., Zharmukhamedov S.K., Los D.A., Kuznetsov V.V., Allakhverdiev S.I. Reactive oxygen species: Re-evaluation of generation, monitoring and role in stress-signaling in phototrophic organisms. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Bioenergetics. 2014. v.6, p.835-848, rate=25.6, doi:10.1021/bi047993o.

Romanovsky V.E., Drozdov D.S., Oberman N.G., Malkova G.V., Kholodov A.L., Marchenko S.S., Moskalenko N.G., Sergeev D.O., Ukraintseva N.G., Abramov A.A., Gilichinsky D.A., Vasiliev A.A. Thermal state of permafrost in Russia. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes. 2010. v.2, p.136-155, rate=25, doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/bts209.

Myllymäki M., Mrkvička T., Grabarnik P., Seijo H., Hahn U. Global envelope tests for spatial processes. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B: Statistical Methodology. 2017. v.2, p.381-404, rate=24, doi:10.1007/s00018-017-2555-4.

Marina N., Turovsky E., Christie I.N., Hosford P.S., Hadjihambi A., Korsak A., Ang R., Mastitskaya S., Sheikhbahaei S., Theparambil S.M., Gourine A.V. Brain metabolic sensing and metabolic signaling at the level of an astrocyte. GLIA. 2018. v.6, p.1185-1199, rate=24, doi:10.1021/pr0701411.

Kalyuzhnaya M.G., Yang S., Rozova O.N., Smalley N.E., Clubb J., Lamb A., Gowda G.A.N., Raftery D., Fu Y., Bringel F., Vuilleumier S., Beck D.A.C., Trotsenko Y.A., Khmelenina V.N., Lidstrom M.E. Highly efficient methane biocatalysis revealed in a methanotrophic bacterium. Nature Communications. 2013. v., iss.2785, rate=23.8, doi:10.1021/cr400713r.

Trotsenko Y.A., Murrell J.C. Metabolic Aspects of Aerobic Obligate Methanotrophy{star, open}. Advances in Applied Microbiology. 2008. v., p.183-229, rate=22.72, doi:10.1002/prot.20750.

Sheikhbahaei S., Turovsky E.A., Hosford P.S., Hadjihambi A., Theparambil S.M., Liu B., Marina N., Teschemacher A.G., Kasparov S., Smith J.C., Gourine A.V. Astrocytes modulate brainstem respiratory rhythm-generating circuits and determine exercise capacity. Nature Communications. 2018. v.1, iss.370, rate=21, doi:10.1093/nar/gkt960.

Romanov R.A., Rogachevskaja O.A., Bystrova M.F., Jiang P., Margolskee R.F., Kolesnikov S.S. Afferent neurotransmission mediated by hemichannels in mammalian taste cells. EMBO Journal. 2007. v.3, p.657-667, rate=20.8, doi:10.1021/pr060394e.

Vorobev A.V., Baani M., Doronina N.V., Brady A.L., Liesack W., Dunfield P.F., Dedysh S.N. Methyloferula stellata gen. nov., sp. nov., an acidophilic, obligately methanotrophic bacterium that possesses only a soluble methane monooxygenase. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 2011. v.10, p.2456-2463, rate=18.7, doi:10.1080/07391102.2003.10506918.

Nitze I., Grosse G., Jones B.M., Arp C.D., Ulrich M., Fedorov A., Veremeeva A. Landsat-based trend analysis of lake dynamics across Northern Permafrost Regions. Remote Sensing. 2017. v.7, iss.640, rate=18, doi:10.2174/1381612811319230005.

Strauss J., Schirrmeister L., Grosse G., Fortier D., Hugelius G., Knoblauch C., Romanovsky V., Schädel C., Schneider von Deimling T., Schuur E.A.G., Shmelev D., Ulrich M., Veremeeva A. Deep Yedoma permafrost: A synthesis of depositional characteristics and carbon vulnerability. Earth-Science Reviews. 2017. v., p.75-86, rate=17.5, doi:10.1074/mcp.M000035-MCP201.

Permyakov E.A., Berliner L.J. α-Lactalbumin: structure and function. FEBS Letters. 2000. v.3, p.269-274, rate=17.3, doi:10.1021/bi010616g.

Gudkov S.V., Guryev E.L., Gapeyev A.B., Sharapov M.G., Bunkin N.F., Shkirin A.V., Zabelina T.S., Glinushkin A.P., Sevost'yanov M.A., Belosludtsev K.N., Chernikov A.V., Bruskov V.I., Zvyagin A.V. Unmodified hydrated С60 fullerene molecules exhibit antioxidant properties, prevent damage to DNA and proteins induced by reactive oxygen species and protect mice against injuries caused by radiation-induced oxidative stress. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine. 2019. v.1, p.37-46, rate=17, doi:10.1073/pnas.0437902100.

Borisov N., Aksamitiene E., Kiyatkin A., Legewie S., Berkhout J., Maiwald T., Kaimachnikov N.P., Timmer J., Hoek J.B., Kholodenko B.N. Systems-level interactions between insulin-EGF networks amplify mitogenic signaling. Molecular Systems Biology. 2009. v., iss.256, rate=14.9, doi:10.2174/138920309789351921.

Mubarakshina M.M., Ivanov B.N., Naydov I.A., Hillier W., Badger M.R., Krieger-Liszkay A. Production and diffusion of chloroplastic H2O2 and its implication to signalling. Journal of Experimental Botany. 2010. v.13, p.3577-3587, rate=13.8, doi:10.1074/jbc.M109541200.

Kurganova I., Lopes de Gerenyu V., Six J., Kuzyakov Y. Carbon cost of collective farming collapse in Russia. Global Change Biology. 2014. v.3, p.938-947, rate=13.8, doi:10.2174/092986608785849164.

Ladygina N., Dedyukhina E.G., Vainshtein M.B. A review on microbial synthesis of hydrocarbons. Process Biochemistry. 2006. v.5, p.1001-1014, rate=13.6, doi:10.1039/c0cs00057d.

Tarahovsky Y.S., Kim Y.A., Yagolnik E.A., Muzafarov E.N. Flavonoid-membrane interactions: Involvement of flavonoid-metal complexes in raft signaling. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Biomembranes. 2014. v.5, p.1235-1246, rate=13.4, doi:10.1016/j.febslet.2015.07.013.

Shary P.A., Sharaya L.S., Mitusov A.V. Fundamental quantitative methods of land surface analysis. Geoderma. 2002. v.1-Feb, p.1-32, rate=13.3, doi:10.1172/JCI69003.

Musazade E., Voloshin R., Brady N., Mondal J., Atashova S., Zharmukhamedov S.K., Huseynova I., Ramakrishna S., Najafpour M.M., Shen J.-R., Bruce B.D., Allakhverdiev S.I. Biohybrid solar cells: Fundamentals, progress, and challenges. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C: Photochemistry Reviews. 2018. v., p.134-156, rate=13.2, doi:10.1186/1471-2164-10-S1-S7.

Kreslavski V.D., Los D.A., Schmitt F.-J., Zharmukhamedov S.K., Kuznetsov V.V., Allakhverdiev S.I. The impact of the phytochromes on photosynthetic processes. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Bioenergetics. 2018. v.5, p.400-408, rate=13, doi:10.1016/j.jmb.2017.10.018.

Sviridov A.V., Shushkova T.V., Ermakova I.T., Ivanova E.V., Epiktetov D.O., Leontievsky A.A. Microbial degradation of glyphosate herbicides (review). Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology. 2015. v.2, p.188-195, rate=12.7, doi:10.1016/bs.apcsb.2017.06.005.

Zhang T., Frauenfeld O.W., Serreze M.C., Etringer A., Oelke C., McCreight J., Barry R.G., Gilichinsky D., Yang D., Ye H., Ling F., Chudinova S. Spatial and temporal variability in active layer thickness over the Russian Arctic drainage basin. Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres. 2005. v.16, iss. D16101, p.1-14, rate=12.7, doi:10.1002/bies.200800151.

Azarashvili T., Odinokova I., Bakunts A., Ternovsky V., Krestinina O., Tyynelä J., Saris N.E.L. Potential role of subunit c of F0F1-ATPase and subunit c of storage body in the mitochondrial permeability transition. Effect of the phosphorylation status of subunit c on pore opening. Cell Calcium. 2014. v.2, p.69-77, rate=12.6, doi:10.1021/bi7012273.

Bobkova N.V., Garbuz D.G., Nesterova I., Medvinskaya N., Samokhin A., Alexandrova I., Yashin V., Karpov V., Kukharsky M.S., Ninkina N.N., Smirnov A.A., Nudler E., Evgen'Ev M. Therapeutic effect of exogenous Hsp70 in mouse models of Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease. 2014. v.2, p.425-435, rate=12.4, doi:10.1016/S0014-5793(00)01546-5.

Turovsky E., Theparambil S.M., Kasymov V., Deitmer J.W., Del Arroyo A.G., Ackland G.L., Corneveaux J.J., Allen A.N., Huentelman M.J., Kasparov S., Marina N., Gourine A.V. Mechanisms of CO2/H+ sensitivity of astrocytes. Journal of Neuroscience. 2016. v.42, p.10750-10758, rate=12.3, doi:10.1007/s10930-009-9201-4.

Szaleniec M., Wojtkiewicz A.M., Bernhardt R., Borowski T., Donova M. Bacterial steroid hydroxylases: enzyme classes, their functions and comparison of their catalytic mechanisms. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2018. v.19, p.8153-8171, rate=12, doi:10.1155/2010/568068.

Gilichinsky D.A., Wilson G.S., Friedmann E.I., McKay C.P., Sletten R.S., Rivkina E.M., Vishnivetskaya T.A., Erokhina L.G., Ivanushkina N.E., Kochkina G.A., Scherbakova V.A., Soina V.S., Spirina E.V., Vorobyova E.A., Frodorov-Davydov D.G., Hallet B., Ozerskaya S.M., Sorokovikov V.A., Laurinavichyus K.S., Shatilovich A.V., Chanton J.P., Ostroumov V.E., Tiedje J.M. Microbial populations in Antarctic permafrost: Biodiversity, stage, age, and implication for astrobiology. Astrobiology. 2007. v.2, p.275-311, rate=11.6, doi:10.1021/acs.biochem.7b01215.